Comfort and Warmth for your Home at Rose Forge!
Gas & Wood Stoves, Inserts, Fireplaces and Gas Logs.


Rose Forge was founded in 1981 on Route 6A in Brewster, Massachusetts. Originally the Forge was, in fact, a full blacksmithing shop, where its owners John and Terry Halvorson made decorative iron pieces and repaired antiques. Within a few years the business expanded its operations to include copper roofs, lanterns, stove pipe, and other custom sheet metal work. In 1990, Rose forge moved into its new location at 320 Underpass Road where it still exists today.  

Your #1 source to fill your BBQ propane tanks.
Visit our Contact page for directions and hours.

We sell the following products: Gas Fireplaces and Inserts, Wood Stoves, Gas Logs, Glass Fireplace Doors. 
We service gas and wood stoves and inserts and do custom metal work.

Wood Burning Stoves

Gas Stoves

Gas Logs